Saturday, October 30, 2010

True Story.

Went to Warsong Gulch on my [gnome] Death Knight today, and my group had seven gnomes! How cool is that? If only gnomes could be priests already. It was a fun game, even though we lost pretty bad, and the whole reason I went was for the GNERD Rage achievement, but I forgot to eat GNERDs! Oops.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Glowing Eyes for Female Worgen

I think if the female worgen had glowing eyes they would instantly be ten times better (though their squarebutts would still need fixing). I'm seriously wondering what their reason behind the males' and females' eyes being different is... and for some reason I can't post on the beta forums. Hmph.

Here's some quick photoshop work I did to give the females glowing eyes. Which do you think is better? Poll below!

Which female worgen looks better?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Worgen Cinematic

I'm curious.... The worgen cinematic is done and was released at Blizzcon (I haven't watched it because I want to keep it a surprise. Haven't quested through either), but considering the female worgen models aren't complete, will there be any female worgen in it?

More comments to come later re: Blizzcon.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's the surprise now?

So since they already released the Cataclysm cinematic last weekend, what are they going to show at Blizzcon this weekend??? Maybe they're doing something more surprising, since we were all expecting it to be the Cataclysm cinematic anyway. I think it's too soon to announce what the new MMO will be, whatever it will be... it would draw away too much from Cataclysm.

About the Cataclysm cinematic! It was pretty neat. Blizzard cinematics are always really neat, so no surprise there. Seeing the battering rams slam into Deathwing, the big side-plate sealing him up, watching him roar up before bursting out of Deepholme... pretty cool. I'm always sad for Auberdine though. D: Also I love the music. (Anyone else think that Deathwing is voiced by Christ Metzen? ie, sounds like Thrall and Varian? I can't tell.)

But I was a little disappointed, to be honest. My favourite so far is still the one for Burning Crusade; it had the best mix of furious baddie to awesome heroes. I initially didn't like the cinematic for Wrath much either, but I do now, so I'm sure over time I'll love the Cataclysm cinematic too. Yes, over time, because I never get tired of watching cinematics! Always need to pull them out from time to time to respark the love.

And there have STILL BEEN NO GNOMES!!! Oh, the injustice.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Unfamiliar Imp-osters!

I love the puns that were brought to light with the warlock demon-name fiasco of 4.0.1. However, I don't love the name mixup! Fehima dearly misses her imp Zilloz; or rather, she would if I weren't too afraid to check whether or not her demons were replaced.

The good news is that Blizzard was on the problem quick, announcing that the demon names are fixable, and will be put back to normal with the next maintenance day.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sick Day

There's never a good time to be sick, but there are bad times to be sick.

I wonder what a sick day would be like for a hero in Azeroth...

"Hey guys, I know you're off to kill the god of death and all, but I'm not feeling too well tonight. I've got an awful cold coming on. You don't need my heals, right? You'll probably be better off without me. I think I'll just hang out in the inn here and drink my Honeymint Tea. But good luck! Let me know how it goes."

If you couldn't guess, I've got an awful cold. Mid-term is not a good time. It is a bad time.

Unrelated: Apparently 4.0.1 ends the Gnomeregan event, and I'm super bummed about it cause I only did it on one character. I thought they'd give some notice. I wanted more gnome costumes and achievements!

A race against the clock.

With 4.0.1 sending the servers down early tonight, my boyfriend and I went on a speedy adventure through Molten Core to try to get my hunter the Ancient Leaf. I really wanted the 24 slot bag from the quest! (Not to mention doing the rest of the hunter quest chain -- I hope it's still there tomorrow.)

However, I was at work until 10pm, so we had less than two hours to stumble through the instance and hope that Majordomo dropped the Leaf and not the Eye of Divinity (though I need that, too, for my priest!). We made it, and I looted my quest-starter with about 40 minutes to get to Felwood. Of course, I'd forgotten to grab my years-old Mature Blue Dragon Sinew from the bank; after retrieving that from Everlook, thinking I needed the Flute of the Ancients to talk to the Ancients (dur, no, I remembered as I hopped up the hill later, flute in hand, that they just appear), I flew all the way down to the southern flight point to get the flute, then flew back up. I made it to the Ancients with about 10 minutes to spare, picked up all 3 quests, and turned in the Sinew for my shiny new (soon-to-be) 24 slot bag!

I was happy to get that done. :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Release Date! Continued.

Cataclysm releasing on December 7th means two more things: I can count down how many weeks I have left of classes with the same number, and I'll have two weeks after its release until my last exam to forget everything I learned this term from filling my head with Cata info. Hurray!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Release Date!

Cataclysm was officially announced today for release on Tuesday, December 7th!

To me, this means AAHHH ONLY 9 MORE WEEKS OF FARMING!!! Also, my classes end on Dec. 10, so thankfully I'll have lots of time to play once it's released. :)

MMO-Champion is guessing 4.0.1 will not go live this week, but next week.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


It did turn out to be a sunflower pet! :) A replica from the game Plants vs. Zombies, which has its own mini game within Cataclysm. It's sooo cute... has about five different sing-song emotes that it plays.