Sunday, March 14, 2010

Arathor Battle Tabard

This is something I've always wanted. It's such a beautiful tabard, and so rare, because it requires exalted status with the League of Arathor in Arathi Basin.

It feels like it's unobtainable. My hunter is only barely honoured by the League of Arathor, and it's not as if she's new to PvP... she was able to get the Knight-Lieutenant title, way back when. However, my interest in PvP does come and go regularly, so it has never been a constant effort.

But it boggles my mind to think about how much time I'd have to spend in Arathi Basin to be exalted!

However, starting now, I will try.

And to think that there are people with the Justicar title... something I would also love, but I don't think that I could commit to. PvP is fun, but PvE is my main interest.

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