So I'm finally giving some attention to my orc shaman I started a couple years ago. I'd thought, "I've been playing this game for a while, but really, I've only seen half of it!" having only played Horde-side no higher than level 10 on various characters. I got my shaman to 40 pretty quick, but gradually stopped playing her (probably cause of Wrath).
All the progress on Cataclysm trickling out these days has resparked my interest in seeing Azeroth from the Horde's point of view, before everything changes and I lose my chance. It's sort of a down-time project. Up to 54 now.
And I love it! :) Of course there are things that are similar and therefore a little monotonous... but then there are little characteristic gems that I love, that make leveling all over again worth it.
Though not the best example, this quest is what made me think to post:
To Gadgetzan You Go! (Cooking fed-ex from Org to Tanaris)
How you expect Zamja teach you anything? You got all of Zamja's cooking mojo and still you crave more!
Zamja can't help. Fat orc needs to go to Gadgetzan. You find a little goblin named Dirge there - he help you, fatty.
When you become big cook on the block, you come back and teach Zamja, ok? Now go!
I thought it was cute.
Civilization VII meta progression
1 day ago
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